Louisiana Environmental Education Teachers Retreat
Event Details
Special Event

November 11-13, 2022


17049 State Park Blvd. Franklinton, LA 70438
Bogue Chitto State Park
The Climate Initiative (TCI) invites you to attend the 1st annual Louisiana Environmental Education Teachers Retreat from November 11-13, 2022, at Bogue Chitto State Park. TCI is proudly partnering with Coastal Plains Outdoor School to provide a weekend of interactive professional development activities designed to support Louisiana educators in incorporating placed-based, experiential learning and climate education within their curriculum.
This retreat will build your skills in place-based education, action projects, and ways to engage your community in meaningful conversations. You will learn practical ways to educate, empower, and inspire students and community members to take action to adapt or mitigate climate change. Additionally, all activities are rooted in Louisiana’s Environmental Education Key Principles and Concepts.

Throughout the three-day retreat, educators from across Louisiana will build their environmental education knowledge with experts, network with colleagues, have supported time to develop implementable projects/curricula, and learn from experiential hands-on activities. Your registration includes meals and snacks, overnight accommodations at the Bogue Chitto group lodge, and materials. We hope to offer a supportive experience that will regenerate your energy and revitalize your hope for a just climate future.
Fill out the form to reserve your spot today and leave the retreat with a plan to implement in your learning community!
Sliding Scale offered, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. In order to ensure that each person’s experience is rich and intentional, we are limiting the retreat to 40-45 participants (Early applications are encouraged)