Create more sustainable communities through climate action in schools and communities sparking a grassroots movement.

All TCI Programming leads to at least ONE form of climate action, or CAMP


Communication (intergenerational/community discussion about climate change impacts)

Adaptation (action taken now to manage the risks of climate impacts e.g. creating or influencing climate action plans for schools and communities)

Mitigation (action addressing the root cause of the problem, e.g. reducing greenhouse emissions)

Policy (supporting local, national or international policies formulated to tackle climate change)


Each Action Project, no matter the size, sets you and your community on the path towards creating a comprehensive Climate Action Plan, joining the millions of people around the world who are also on this comprehensive journey!

Want to learn about other Action Projects? Need a suggestion for getting started?

Check Out Our Resource Library!

Share Your Climate Action Story!

Have you been inspired by the incredible climate action projects other educators have completed? Now it’s your turn to make a difference! We want to hear about the amazing work you’ve done in your classroom. Share your story and inspire others to take action for our youth.

Click the link below to fill out a simple form about your climate action project. Your story could be the spark that motivates others to start their own projects and make a positive impact!

Share Your Climate Action Story

Climate Action Plans – Template and Resources for Action 

Climate Action Plans (CAPs) are a climate action strategy typically adopted by towns, cities, and states, but, they are also becoming increasingly implemented in schools. TCI’s CAP template provides users with a guide to developing their own CAP for their classroom or school. It provides guidelines, strategies, advice, and additional resources for CAP creation and implementation. The template follows TCI’s Three Lenses framework, providing sample action projects under the Environmental, Economic, and Social categories. 

  • Combating climate change and enhancing climate resiliency will require action in each of these areas. 
  • Not to mention, completing an action project can contribute to your town or city’s CAP, whether or not your school has one. 

Download CAP Template