
Our Beautiful Planet: After the Flames

Our Beautiful Planet is a series of compelling 5-to-10-minute science films highlighting the cutting edge research that climate scientists are doing to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues.

The Climate Initiative, the National Science Teacher’s Association (NSTA) and Kikim Media have partnered to launch these films and this collection of classroom-ready lesson plans and community activity and discussion guides that highlight the science and engineering practices scientists use to explain the phenomena of climate.

About the film: After the Flames

As higher average temperatures dry out plants and trees and make them more combustible, wildfires are becoming bigger and more frequent in many countries. That means that their consequences—such as floods and mudslides—also promise to become a more frequent threat. Amir AghaKouchak, a professor of engineering at UC Irvine, is determined to find ways for scientists to anticipate these kinds of events so that people will know what’s about to happen and be able to avoid as much damage as possible.

TCI & Kikim Media Community Activity & Discussion Guide: Turn this film into a conversation!
Age Level: Bring all ages together for a community discussion

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