
Our Beautiful Planet: A Search Beneath the Sea

Our Beautiful Planet is a series of compelling 5-to-7-minute science films highlighting the cutting edge research that climate scientists are doing to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues.


The Climate Initiative, the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) and Kikim Media have partnered to launch these films and this collection of classroom-ready lesson plans and community activity and discussion guides that highlight the science and engineering practices scientists use to explain the phenomena of climate.


About the film: A Search Beneath the Sea

The Maine seacoast is an iconic hotspot, full of beautiful landscapes, crisp ocean views, and coastal fishing communities. However, off the shores, those beautiful landscapes and coastal communities are facing challenging changes. The Gulf of Maine is warming three times faster than any other body of water its size globally. To find out why Oceanographer Charles Tilburg and his students from the University of New England are embarking on a data collecting journey. They collect data about “heat content” and how greenhouse gases affect the oceans on a large scale. They hope that this data will answer questions and provide answers to what is happening to the Gulf of Maine, and the future changes it faces. Will they inspire solutions and future scientists to help mitigate and adapt to a changing Ocean?

NSTA Lesson Plan: Why Is Ocean Water Warming Faster in Some Places Than Others?
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Grade Level: Grade Level: 6-8 | Time: One 90-minute session
TCI & Kikim Media Community Activity & Discussion Guide: Turn this film into a conversation!
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Age Level: Bring all ages together for a community discussion