Hope at Home: TCI Educator Workshop in Reading, PA
Event Details

April 29th


Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center
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The Climate Initiative (TCI) and Reading Public Works invite you to a climate-education training, Hope at Home: A TCI Educator Workshop, on April 29, 2024, from 9:00-3:00. The beautiful forestry of Nolde Forest will be our location. With these scenic views, educators will participate in an interactive, professional development opportunity to educate traditional and non-traditional educators and climate allies to incorporate climate education into the curriculum and empower all community stakeholders to take climate action.
Specifically, this workshop will build your skills in place-based education, action projects, climate-policy frameworks, and ways to engage your community in meaningful conversations. You will learn practical ways to educate, empower, and activate students and community members to adapt or mitigate climate change, leaving everyone with agency and hope.
Your registration includes a delicious menu, time for restoration and reflection, and materials. Fill out the form to reserve your spot today, and prepare to leave this workshop with a plan to implement in your school and community!
Questions? Please reach out to Nyla McFadden at nyla@theclimateinitiative.org.
Thank you for your interest in joining us. While we’re at full capacity for this event, we appreciate your enthusiasm and support for our initiatives. Stay tuned for future workshops and events, and thank you again for your interest!